👩‍🔬 A Few Things

just some random stuff

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Today is going to be a bit less focused than usual.

Partly cause I have several things that I wanna discuss that don’t require a full email.

And partly cause I’m working on so many things that my brain is just scattered right now…like this email.

More on that in a moment.

But first, I’ve got another sponsor today. So, give ‘em a click to check out their offer and get entered to win ALL the ads earnings for the month.

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Revolutionize your workday with the power of ChatGPT! Dive into HubSpot’s guide to discover how AI can elevate your productivity and creativity. Learn to automate tasks, enhance decision-making, and foster innovation, all through the capabilities of ChatGPT.


Brain Dump Incoming…

First thing I wanna share, without commentary for obvious reasons that will immediately become apparent - this tweet.

And as a follow-up, this tweet.

Also, here’s what the Amazon dashboard looks for the book that was birthed by chatGPT -

Did one of you actually pay $0.99 before the freebie promo started? Or was that some innocent bystander of this experiment?

And still just the one review -

And now we wait to see if it happens to pop on it’s own since I’m not doing any ads or anything.

In related news, I think the ghostwriter I hired did pretty good? I told her the genre (she only does romance and fantasy) and paid extra for her to do the whole thing - idea, outline/plot, writing it, title idea.

I paid just over $1,500 for all that (40,000-50,000 word book). From my research, this is kinda the going rate? I think. Let me know if I got hosed here.

I’ll have to sell like almost 800 books at $2.99 to break even. Not sure what the KU reads will pay.

Now I’m doing the cover with AI + formatting the book for Kindle and hoping to get it uploaded to Amazon today.

But, this is also a new Amazon account with yet another LLC, so it may take the full 72 hours for this one. Cause I figured you may wanna see this one as well?

My Ezoic EPMV/RPM is slowly increasing by a small amount per day -

Still a far cry from Raptive RPM numbers though.

Coming up…

Upcoming topics: more tips and ideas on Etsy and KDP, how it’s going with my chatGPT fiction ebook and the AI music thingie, and growing an ecomm site.

If you have a topic you want covered just reply and let me know.

Stay awesome,


P.S. If you’re looking for high level discussions or tips on things like local SEO and Rank & Rent, I highly recommend Jacky Chou’s Advise community. I’ve been in it for several months and there’s tons of value in it, including a SOP for local SEO.

How I Can Help You -

🤝 Join My Skool Community - Join like-minded people talking about online businesses and making money online.

🎥 My YouTube Course - Everything I know about creating Faceless YouTube channels for your sites (or as standalone channels).

🕵️‍♀️ Website Teardown/Audit - I analyze your site for issues and opportunities and deliver a 30-minute video. Hundreds of site owners have loved this service.

🤑 Growth Cupid - Anything you need to grow a website, my team can do it. (use code SKIPBLAST for 15% off anything)

☎️ 30-Minute Consulting Session - Need to talk through something with your website or online business? Let’s get something set up!

Some links may be affiliate links. I 💖 you if you use one!