☠️ Why I Don't Recommend The Amazon Influencer Program

my three main reasons

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Just some thoughts (a rant?) today on why I think going all in on the Amazon Influencer Program is fucking nuts.

Fair warning, this is a topic that really gets to me, so if you’re sensitive to profanity you should skip this one.

But first, I’ve got another sponsor today. So, give ‘em a click to check out their offer and get entered to win ALL the ads earnings for the month.

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You’ve Got Better Options…Let Me List Why

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Amazon.

Ever since they closed my affiliate account in 2015 and tried to keep well over $10,000 in earnings (and we had to sue them … we won and I still have an affiliate account with them), I’ve been wary of getting too cozy with those fuckers.

For the last 9 years, I’ve bought nothing on Amazon. Then women’s footy here in the States made a streaming deal with them this year and I had to sign up for Prime to watch games.

But anyways…

Reason #1

Amazon has NEVER been a good partner.

They’ve fucked me (and others) with the affiliate program.

They’ve fucked book/audiobook peeps.

They’ve fucked FBA sellers.

They’ve fucked some influencers already.

And they’ve probably fucked over people/groups I don’t even know about.

All they do is fuck you.

Yes, I have had ebooks and paperbacks for sale on there for years - but I am not exclusive to Amazon cause I know they just wanna fuck ya over….and then take your earnings for the experience.

Despite their long history of fuckery, people are still willing to go all in with them.

I just don’t get this. Truly.

And yes, I know that some people are looking at the Amazon Influencer program as a side hustle or just another earnings source. But it’s the people (maybe you?) who are looking to this as full-time income that I just don’t understand.

If, and that’s a big IF these days, if you manage to earn full-time income from this program, how long will it last before they proper fuck you over?

They have a solid history of fucking people over.

Reason #2

The gold rush is over.

I have been seeing people saying for MONTHS now that this program is saturated to the point that it’s hard to find products to review where you can end up with thousands of dollars per month.

Don’t believe me? Venture out of your normal groups and sources of info and you’ll see it being talked about….as far back as a year ago!

Need more proof?

Most gurus or wannabe thought leaders tend to only share their secret sauce well after it’s no longer worth keeping a secret (usually when it doesn’t work).

Example - a course on the Facebook bonus program drops once the earnings start declining for most people.

How do you fix that drop in income? You find a bunch of rubes to sell a course to.

I’m honestly not trying to shit on anyone selling courses for the act of selling courses. I’ve sold courses and there are plenty of awesome course sellers that I’ve bought from. If you’re a course seller, go get that bag. Just don’t be shady.

And yes, I am certain where will be a few people who start now and DO see success with the Amazon Influencer program. But overall, I don’t expect to hear too many of those stories.

Reason #3

You’re not really building anything sustainable here. Ya just found something new to get fucked by.

Did HCU not teach people anything?!?

People got their sites and income decimated by HCU because they weren’t building anything sustainable.

Yes, loads of my sites were decimated COMPLETELY.


Total carnage.

But I’m still earning from other sites that got hit (but not decimated) because I had other shit in place and not just Google organic traffic to a site with ads and affiliate links. (Why do you think I know so much about things like KDP? Cause my hands have been in many cookie jars for many years)

This is why you don’t see me shilling every fucking new course released.

Okay, that’s not the only reason why. But if you know me at all, then you already know that this is no bullshit zone and I’m gonna tell it to ya straight…and this why you don’t see me hanging out with too many niche site people IRL.

(But seriously, the scare tactic marketing aimed at people who lost everything has also been really disgusting.)

Instead of shilling affiliate links to new courses, I’m taking the time I was spending on those sites that got decimated completely and instead building/working on something sustainable (you should, too) - the local newsletter, some ecomm sites, and Growth Cupid.

I’m also having fun throwing other shit at the wall to see what happens - like AI music and AI ebooks (more updates on that soon).

Then there’s the stuff that I was doing before HCU like faceless YouTube channels that I see more as side hustle fun money.

But people can create something sustainable from YouTube as well. Sure Google also has a history of fuckery, but if you do things the right way you’ll still own your audience at the end.

All I’m saying here is, don’t think by spending $300 or $500 on course that tells you $100 days are in your future without even needing a website is the best way forward.

I understand that plenty of people are still hurting from HCU. Some have told me they’ve had to get day jobs. (there’s no shame in that!) Even if you feel desperate, please take time to really think things through before you start dropping cash on ANY shiny object promising to be the answer to your prayers.

I had one guy tell me that the next thing he tries MUST work because it’s his last chance. He’s at the age where he feels too old for it to fail. And he’s not got much savings due to spending them on a site that HCU took down before it had much of a chance.

That’s a heartbreaking situation that leads to desperation. Hell, the casinos here in Vegas are built on situations like that. Don’t be the next person that wastes their money on smoke and mirrors.

Build something with a stronger foundation.

Stay awesome,


P.S. Beehiiv changed the newsletter game - you now get a custom app for your newsletter (in addition to the first 2,500 subs for free). Haven’t turned the app for this newsletter on yet though.

How I Can Help You -

🕵️‍♀️ Website Teardown/Audit - I analyze your site for issues and opportunities and deliver a 30-minute video. Hundreds of site owners have loved this service.

🎥 My YouTube Course - Everything I know about creating Faceless YouTube channels for your sites (or as standalone channels).

🤑 Growth Cupid - Anything you need to grow a website, my team can do it. (use code SKIPBLAST for 15% off anything)

☎️ 30-Minute Consulting Session - Need to talk through something with your website or online business? Let’s get something set up!

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