🎰 Going All In

Apologies for all the typos last time!

Hey there!

You’ll notice that things look a bit different….that’s because this list is now on Beehiiv.


Let me explain…

ConvertKit vs Beehiiv

For ages, ConvertKit has been what I’ve used for the email lists across my sites. And honestly, there’s nothing wrong with them.

In fact, I’ve loved their Creator Network and how it’s enabled me to scale up my list through recommendations from other creators on ConvertKit.

But a month or two ago I started noticing that the new subscribers I was getting from their Creator Network are not really the same quality that they used to be.

I’m talking more unsubscribes and more just flat out not opening their emails.

And I don’t wanna be constantly cleaning my list to remove these low quality subs.

So, I decided to move to Beehiiv which I already use for my local newsletter and a niche newsletter that I’ve got.

But…I’m also still keeping a small number of people on ConvertKit to see if anything changes with the subs coming from their Creator Network.

And sure, ConvertKit has that new newsletter pricing that’s free for 10,000 subs. I got that offer over a month ago before it launched publicly.

I passed on it though cause ConvertKit gets to control a paid recommendation spot on that plan - and THEY keep all the money from it.

Fuck that.

So, I’m all in on Beehiiv for the most part.

I love their Boosts opportunities and their Ads opportunities. Makes it an easy decision.

Honestly, my only complaint is that their support is a bit slow compared to ConvertKit. You even have to be on a more expensive plan to get priority support.

That blows.

But, I’m hoping that it will get sorted in the near future since they just raised loads of funding.

Try it out for yourself. It’s free for up to 2,500 subscribers.


Save 15% with code SKIPBLAST

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Week 6 of Newsletter Life Starts Now

I made a typo in my last email, which you may have noticed. It’s actually today that marks week #6 of doing a local newsletter on Beehiiv.

I recently made a new ad for my Facebook leads campaign as one of them was inching too close to $1.00 per sub. If you’re in my private forum, then you can see the actual new ad creative (and my total expenses so far).

After just a couple of days, it’s around $0.81 per lead and should fall a bit more. So, I’ve paused the old ad that was almost a dollar in favor of this one.

Now I’m back to just two ads running.

In terms of monetization, I’ve found a relevant enough newsletter in Beehiiv Boosts that I started recommending both in the newsletter and to new subscribers.

It only pays $0.80 per converted subscriber, but it’s something. And I’m already up to $1.60 🥴

Meanwhile, I’ve been using SparkLoop with this newsletter on ConvertKit and earning a whopping $0.00 in two months time.

Anyways…still no bites on the cold emailing to local businesses. I listened to a podcast that said you need at least 5K subs before selling ad space will work, so we’ll see what happens.

Reminder: I'm writing updates about my local newsletter on Twitter here and doing a more detailed case study in my private forum.

Next Time…

We’ll talk about how things are going with my Facebook and Pinterest alternative traffic streams project.

Got some exciting milestones there.

Also, doing ecommerce sites with Shopify and Printful - either as standalone sites or as niche sites that are front-facing as ecommerce sites.

Stay awesome,


P.S. A reader got a KILLER $1/mo offer after completing the Post Planner free trial. Give it a try if you're building up a Facebook page. The longer I use it, the more I love it.

How I Can Help You -

👩‍💻 My Private Forum - You can only get access to this by buying one of my courses or with this $9.99 subscription.

🕵️‍♀️ Website Teardown/Audit - I analyze your site for issues and opportunities and deliver a 30-minute video. Hundreds of site owners have loved this service.

🎥 My YouTube Course - Everything I know about creating Faceless YouTube channels for your sites (or as standalone channels).

🤑 Growth Cupid - Anything you need to grow a website, my team can do it. (use code SKIPBLAST for 15% off anything)

☎️ 30-Minute Consulting Session - Need to talk through something with your website or online business? Let’s get something set up!