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this is it

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Three quick things before we get into it today -

1 - Iā€™ll be joining Doug Cunnington on his livestream tomorrow. I think itā€™s at 11am PST.

2- Final announcement - I will be putting a paywall on my Skool community as soon as it reaches 100 members. Currently just 5 spots left! Join now if you want it for freeā€¦.cause Iā€™ll also share this on the livestream tomorrow.

3 - I dropped another new YouTube video today, so check that out.

Real talk - I didnā€™t have a topic planned today, so if it seems like word vomit below, thatā€™s cause it is!

More on that in a moment.

But first, Iā€™ve got another sponsor today. So, give ā€˜em a click to check out their offer and get entered to win ALL the ads earnings for the month.

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Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I donā€™t know about you, but I feel like Google crushing sites has really led me into a lot of uncharted territory.

Yes, I have sites that survived and a few that are even thriving. But Iā€™m not as comfortable as I used to be with putting all my eggs in the niche site basket.

Even with multiple traffic sources, I just donā€™t see myself as all-in on anything thatā€™s not a real business that canā€™t be touched by algorithms.

So, Iā€™ve been dabbling in all sorts of new stuff.

This week Iā€™m launching a physical product ecomm store. Well, itā€™s my wifeā€™s store and products, but Iā€™m handling everything else.

The niche is wedding gifts. The product is personalized artwork based on her photography. (If youā€™ve got a wedding site/social presence getting traffic, lemme know and Iā€™ll set you up as an affiliate)

In the future, weā€™re going to be doing things like attending trade shows to get the word out about this brand. Old me would have said, no fucking way! that is insane.

New me is like, fuck yeah! Letā€™s try this shit!

Cold email is something else thatā€™s been new for me. Honestly though, Iā€™ve been skeptical about itā€¦.until now.

I got two requests for more info today! I canā€™t fucking believe it worked!

Real talk - I only did a campaign with 645 leads. Thatā€™s small time, from what Iā€™ve read. The first follow-up in the series went out today and thatā€™s what got me the positive results.

Honestly, I still canā€™t believe this shit actually worked.

Quick tip - If youā€™re doing cold email and considering ListKit for leads, I asked for my money back cause the leads turned out not great (bounced emails, person no longer works for company, etc.)

The best/worst part is that I was gauging interest for a Growth Cupid local business service that I donā€™t actually offer yet. Itā€™s just something Iā€™ve been doing for the local newsletter that works really well.

The local newsletter has also led to new experiences. Next week I have an in-person meeting with someone who runs a local magazine. She wants to partner with us - we promote them for free, they promote us for freeā€¦and a few other things. Maybe even some in-person local events.

Wild times.

Coming upā€¦

Upcoming topics: more tips and ideas on Etsy and KDP, how itā€™s going with my chatGPT fiction ebook and the AI music thingie, and growing an ecomm site.

If you have a topic you want covered just reply and let me know.

Stay awesome,


P.S. If youā€™re looking for high level discussions or tips on things like local SEO and Rank & Rent, I highly recommend Jacky Chouā€™s Advise community. Iā€™ve been in it for several months and thereā€™s tons of value in it, including a SOP for local SEO.

How I Can Help You -

šŸ¤ My Skool Community - Join like-minded people talking about online businesses and making money online.

šŸŽ„ My YouTube Course - Everything I know about creating Faceless YouTube channels for your sites (or as standalone channels).

šŸ•µļøā€ā™€ļø Website Teardown/Audit - I analyze your site for issues and opportunities and deliver a 30-minute video. Hundreds of site owners have loved this service.

šŸ¤‘ Growth Cupid - Anything you need to grow a website, my team can do it. (use code SKIPBLAST for 15% off anything)

ā˜Žļø 30-Minute Consulting Session - Need to talk through something with your website or online business? Letā€™s get something set up!

Some links may be affiliate links. I šŸ’– you if you use one!