🤬 It's Not Just Forbes

from recipes to Barbie dress-up?

In partnership with

I know that everyone loves to use sites like Forbes as examples of sites that take advantage of their authority and rank for a wide variety of keywords.

The other day, before my Ahrefs drama, I came across a site that’s just as bad, if not worse, than Forbes.

Ranking for all kinds of nonsense.

More on that in a moment.

But first, I’ve got another sponsor today. So, give ‘em a click to check out their offer and get entered to win ALL the ads earnings for the month.

Save 13 Hours Weekly of Podcast Pitching with PodPitch.com

If you ever pitch podcasts – or want to – PodPitch.com is the most incredible PR tech on the market.

It really does 8 hours of work in 15 minutes.

  • Ingests client information

  • Finds up to 10K relevant & active podcasts

  • Finds their contact information

  • Writes personalized outreach pitches

  • Sends them from your email

All in 15 minutes!

As Peter Shankman said: "If you're not using PodPitch, you're missing out."

If you're ready to save 13+ hours weekly, go reserve a personalized demo before they're all taken.

Hurry – they’re running out of slots!


It Started As A Cooking Blog

Though it’s currently owned by Hearst Media, The Pioneer Woman started as a cooking blog on a slightly different domain. Originally it was on Typepad and then this…

Not sure when Hearst Media bought it, but the site definitely benefits from that Hearst brand authority.

It ranks for all sorts of weird shit like…

Sure, these aren’t high value keywords, but they are the types of keywords that small sites are getting hit for going after.

Just something I noticed recently.

Coming up…

Upcoming topics: more tips and ideas on Etsy and KDP, how it’s going with my chatGPT fiction ebook and the AI music thingie, and growing an ecomm site.

If you have a topic you want covered just reply and let me know.

Stay awesome,


P.S. If you’re looking for high level discussions or tips on things like local SEO and Rank & Rent, I highly recommend Jacky Chou’s Advise community. I’ve been in it for several months and there’s tons of value in it, including a SOP for local SEO.

How I Can Help You -

🤝 My Skool Community - Join like-minded people talking about online businesses and making money online.

🕵️‍♀️ Website Teardown/Audit - I analyze your site for issues and opportunities and deliver a 30-minute video. Hundreds of site owners have loved this service.

🎥 My YouTube Course - Everything I know about creating Faceless YouTube channels for your sites (or as standalone channels).

🤑 Growth Cupid - Anything you need to grow a website, my team can do it. (use code SKIPBLAST for 15% off anything)

☎️ 30-Minute Consulting Session - Need to talk through something with your website or online business? Let’s get something set up!

Some links may be affiliate links. I 💖 you if you use one!