šŸ”® Perception vs Reality

And a local newsletter update

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Hey there!

Youā€™re getting this a day later than normal because yesterday I was out at what I thought was going to be a nice lunch at a fancy wine bar.

Rolled up and the outside of the building was dumpy, got ignored upon arrival, they would only let people sit on the open patio (it was 108F in Vegas yesterdayā€¦and I wore nice slacks cause fancy restaurant=no shorts), and the restaurant was filthy (so many cobwebs everywhere).

Food was not great either. Yet, this place has a reputation (and reviews to back it up) as a chic French bistro that cannot be missed.

The reality? Itā€™s located in one of the more expensive areas of Vegas where they have these man-made lakes for the residents. So, the perception is that itā€™s a fancy place to dine.

Perception doesnā€™t always equal reality, right? Letā€™s look at that through the niche site lens.

But first, Iā€™ve got another sponsor today. So, give ā€˜em a click to check out their offer and get entered to win ALL the ads earnings for the month.

Grow your revenue with the predictive intelligence

Black Crow builds individual AI models for brands using 400+ signals from your websiteā€™s traffic behavior & purchase behavior.

Their newest tech is called Predictive Offer, which re-triggers your pop-up offer to high intent shoppers with the highest chance at conversion.

Itā€™s free to try for 30 days and after that itā€™s a monthly contract you can cancel anytime.

If your brand does over $2M/year in revenue on Shopify, Black Crow will give you a $100 Amazon gift card just to speak with their team.


It Looks Like An Ecommerce Siteā€¦.

Reality is that it is not.

Iā€™m not the first person to say that appearing to be an ecommerce site sends positive signals to Google that helps you out with that stupid HCU classifier.

Iā€™ve even told you about using the Shopify Starter plan for $5/month to embed real POD products on the homepage to send ecomm signals.

Well, much like how I felt after paying $60 to eat crappy food in a dingy restaurant yesterday, youā€™re going to be pissed off about what Iā€™m about to reveal.

In March, after I had 19 sites get deindexed, I took one of them and just straight up copied the content to several different domains for testing purposes.

Google had loved that content for years, so I knew it would rank but I wanted to see what would happen with aged vs fresh domains as well as sending different signals: service-based business, ecommerce, digital products, and consulting.

To send these different signals, I used the Kadence Pro theme and itā€™s AI starter site builder. Let me tell you, I fucking love this AI starter site builder.

You tell it about your business and it creates some amazing shit, or bullshit in my case.

Anyways, I did the bare minimum here and got the theme up with the content and never went back to the site.

Itā€™s got lorem ipsum text on the footer and homepageā€¦and contact page, and shipping policies page and return policy page.

Itā€™s got a dummy address like 1234 Main Street, Anytown USA. I shit you not that is on the footer and contact page.

Homepage and about page have a collection of fake logos in a ā€œfeatured onā€ section. Thereā€™s some fake awards listed on the homepage. Tons of buttons that go nowhere. An empty ā€œStoreā€ page with dummy lorem ipsum products.

This is a fresh domain with zero backlinks and just under 200 posts all published at once after importing them.

A few days ago I noticed this in Ahrefsā€¦

So, I looked in Analytics and itā€™s an even bigger growth.

And yes, this is infuriating. So infuriating.

But Iā€™m curious to see if it continues to grow during the spam update thatā€™s rolling out. So, Iā€™m not changing a thing on the site.


Save 22% with code SUMMER

šŸ“£ Last Few Days For This Sale šŸ“£

Our summer sale runs through my birthday - the 22nd.

If you end up spending at least $5,000, Iā€™ll give you an additional 10% discount with code SUMMERBONUS

Week 9 of Local Newsletter Life Coming To A Close

Closing in on the end of week #9 of doing a local newsletter on Beehiiv.

Weā€™re currently just a few subscribers over 2,000, which means weā€™ve crushed another goal.

In terms of monetization, still nothing to report but have a chat with a potential advertiser early next week.

Weā€™ve also been asked to expand to another area by a reader, so I consider that a good sign.

This week we decided to build out the blog of our site, like 6AM City does with theirs, and start selling sponsored posts on the site. Hopefully that will end up being a good revenue stream in the future.

Reminder: I'm writing updates about my local newsletter on Twitter here and doing a more detailed case study in my private forum.

Next Timeā€¦

Weā€™ll finally get around to how things are going with my Facebook and Pinterest alternative traffic streams project.

Weā€™ll talk about how the earnings are going with the Beehiiv Ads that Iā€™ll be giving away. Spoiler alert: itā€™s over $100 now!

And, this is your reminder that tomorrow is the last day for the Growth Cupid sale.

Stay awesome,


P.S. A reader got a KILLER $1/mo offer after completing the Post Planner free trial. Give it a try if you're building up a Facebook page. The longer I use it, the more I love it.

šŸšØ šŸšØ P.P.S. Donā€™t sleep on this Growth Cupid sale - it ends on Saturday! šŸšØ šŸšØ

How I Can Help You -

šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’» My Private Forum - You can only get access to this by buying one of my courses or with this $9.99 subscription.

šŸ•µļøā€ā™€ļø Website Teardown/Audit - I analyze your site for issues and opportunities and deliver a 30-minute video. Hundreds of site owners have loved this service.

šŸŽ„ My YouTube Course - Everything I know about creating Faceless YouTube channels for your sites (or as standalone channels).

šŸ¤‘ Growth Cupid - Anything you need to grow a website, my team can do it. (use code SKIPBLAST for 15% off anything)

ā˜Žļø 30-Minute Consulting Session - Need to talk through something with your website or online business? Letā€™s get something set up!

Some links may be affiliate links. I šŸ’– you if you use one!